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Writing Statement of Intent


Having reviewed our writing curriculum, our priority going forward has been to build a new curriculum which puts high quality, inspiring children’s literature at its core, providing children with exciting and engaging opportunities to develop as writers. With this as our aim, we are using the CLPE Power of Reading teaching sequences from summer 2 2023 to inform our teaching of writing. Using these resources at St Alban’s, the children’s learning will be enriched by varied high quality texts which engage them in a love of reading, inspiring the children as writers. A range of teaching approaches (such as performing poetry, hot seating different characters and exploring characters and settings through artwork) will be adopted in school to develop all aspects of literacy, all of which feed into developing children as competent and enthusiastic writers.

The children will be immersed in the inspiring texts and vocabulary rich lessons which will develop their language and imagination for writing in meaningful and purposeful ways.


Staff  attended face to face Power of Reading training, we have used staff meeting time to introduce the teaching resources to all the teachers. Time has been built into this half term for teachers to start using the teaching sequences to plan engaging lessons for the second half of the summer term. Further time will be given to for teachers to work collaboratively in order to maintain good cohesion and progression between year groups. Teachers will be able to share ideas and good practice, which will culminate in the best provision for our children. They will plan with clear expectations of what they want the children to achieve which will include high quality modelled writing and regular opportunities for children to write for different purposes.


The impact will be that children are motivated and guided to write in interesting, creative and purposeful ways. Through careful planning, creative teaching strategies and high quality teacher writing models, there will be a buzz in classrooms around the texts which are used to inspire children’s writing, meaning our children will make at leastgood progress and be able to write for a range of purposes and across the curriculum .

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