Geography Statement of Intent
Through teaching geography, it is our aim that pupils will be provided with a broad and balanced curriculum that allows them to become motivated and fascinated with the world and environment. Children will be encouraged to develop a passion for the subject by engaging in exciting learning experiences and creative lessons.
It is our aim for children to be encouraged to have:
- A strong focus on developing both geographical skills and knowledge.
- Critical thinking, with the ability to ask perceptive questions and explain and analyse evidence.
- The development of fieldwork skills across each year group.
- A deep interest and knowledge of pupils’ locality and how it differs from other areas of the world.
- • A growing understanding of geographical concepts, terms and vocabulary.
We follow ‘Kapow’ across the school which is adapted from the National Curriculum programme of study as the basis of all our planning. As we use this scheme for multiple subjects it also allows us to make direct cross-curricular lessons that help embed learning. Our curriculum planning is in three phases (long-term, medium-term and short-term) and we plan the topics in geography so that they build upon prior learning. The ‘Kapow’ scheme follows the spiral curriculum model where previous skills and knowledge are returned to and built upon. For example, children of all abilities progress by developing their knowledge and understanding of substantive and disciplinary concepts by experiencing them in a range of lesson topics. This also allows us to offer them an increasing challenge as they move up the school.
Teachers will assess children’s work in geography by making assessments as they observe them working during lessons. They record the progress that children make by assessing the children’s work against the learning objectives from the national curriculum and use the ‘Kapow’ planning and assessment scheme to map coverage of key skills to ensure learning and progression. This allows the teacher to make termly assessments of attainment and progress for each child. These are recorded on our assessment portal ‘Insight’. Progress of pupils and quality of teaching will be monitored and reviewed throughout each term through lesson observations, pupil voice, discussions with staff and scrutiny of planning and children’s work. Work and individual achievement will be celebrated through positive feedback and rewards in class and parents can celebrate pupil’s work at Parents’ Evenings and Open Evenings.
As children move through the school their knowledge, vocabulary and skills will all progress and build on prior learning that is returned to in the spiral curriculum model with a focus on fieldwork and practical learning.
Inspired by God's love, we celebrate our gifts as we learn and grow together