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Religious Education Directory (RED)

RE - EYFS to Year 2

In line with the implementation plan of the new Religious Education Directory, EYFS, Year 1 and Year 2 have begun to implement the new curriculum, RED - To Know You More Clearly (RED). The religious education program in Catholic schools, as outlined in this directory, follows a framework with four key components: knowledge lenses, ways of knowing, expected outcomes, and curriculum branches. The curriculum consists of six branches, each corresponding to one of the six half-terms in the school year. These branches aim to guide pupils on a journey grounded in the story of salvation, focusing on different aspects of Jesus’ life and revisiting them annually to deepen their understanding of His ministry.

The six curriculum branches are: Creation and Covenant, Prophecy and Promise, Galilee to Jerusalem, Desert to Garden, To the Ends of the Earth, and Dialogue and Encounter.

As a school, we have adopted a phased approach to the Religious Education Directory (RED) – To Know You More Clearly, and are collaborating with other schools within our local deanery to develop a cohesive scheme of work.

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